14. September 2023

The Future of Work S1 E2: How Generative AI…

By vExpert

The Future of Work S1 E2: How Generative AI Will Impact Hybrid Work

The Future of Work S1 E2: How Generative AI…

VMware’s Bharath Rangarajan sits down with Stanford economics professor and work from home researcher Nick Bloom to discuss how artificial intelligence might impact the future of hybrid and remote work trends. VMware Report: https://www.vmware.com/learn/2251368_REG.html VMware End-User Computing Blog: blogs.vmware.com/euc/ VMware Explore 2023 Las Vegas EUC News: https://news.vmware.com/releases/vmware-explore-2023-anywhere-workspace Nick Bloom: www.wfhresearch.com;…Read More

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