1. October 2022

irgNET – LAB 6.0 U2

Welcome to Update 2 of Stage 6 of my HomeLab. Since we have completely physically converted my environment to 10GbE in the last update, the ports became scarce at some point. So a second 10GbE switch was needed, especially since I also include future expansions in Datacenter01. Everything is getting more expensive, so it’s better to purchase as a precaution. 🙂 You can see here, […]

23. September 2022


UNSERE EXPERTEN KOMMEN WIEDER ZU IHNEN wir freuen uns, Sie zu unserem 34. VMware TechUpdate einladen zu dürfen. Endlich können wir wieder Präsenz Termine anbieten. 6 Termine vor Ort, sowie 2 Online-Termine stehen zur Auswahl, an denen unsere Experten Ihnen die aktuellsten Neuerungen im Bereich der VMware Produktpalette präsentieren möchten: TERMINE – JEWEILS VON 09:30 BIS 16:30 UHR Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2022 – Frankfurt The […]

12. September 2022

Unable to delete an “inaccessible” datastore (Zombie datastore)

I built a new storage array and migrated the VMs accordingly. But the server gave the following error message: I noticed that the old datastore is still shown as “inaccessible” in vCenter: And even via esxcli I don’t see the datastore anymore: So I first choose the classic way, putting the Server in Maintenance Mode and “Reboot does Good”. But the inaccessible Datastore is still […]

5. September 2022

Insufficient configured resources to satisfy the desired vSphere HA failover level on Cluster X in Datacenter X

When configuring my vSAN cluster, I forgot to set “in case of maintenance mode, all VMs should be migrated to the other host automatically” under the HA settings. So I made the following settings under Admission Control: Host failures cluster tolerates is at 1, because I have a VMware vSAN ROBO Cluster. So everything was fine and I found out that the Override calculated failover […]

24. August 2022

irgNET – LAB 6.0 U1

Welcome to Update 1 of the 6th Stage of my HomeLab. Back from my vacation and in full swing. It is official guys – Datacenter 1 and Datacenter 2 are finally connected via 2x 10GbE fibre optic cables through the two Ubiquiti UniFi 8-Port 10 Gigabit SFP+ Aggregation Switches . As you can see in the picture below, there was quite a bit of work to […]

1. August 2022

Einladung 2. NVIDIA TechUpdate

Auf geht es zum 2. NVIDIA TechUpdate, hier könnt ihr euch gerne registrieren: https://lnkd.in/eX6mrj6k Die Agenda findet ihr weiter unten. Es erwarten euch spannende Themen außerhalb der klassischen Grafikkarten Welt. Die Plätze sind limitiert also schnell registrieren. TERMINE UND ANMELDUNG August 2022 – 09:30 bis 15:45 UhrSeptember 2022 – 09:30 bis 15:45 Uhr AGENDA (FÜR BEIDE TERMINE) BegrüßungNewsPauseNVIDIA AI EnterpriseDell und NVIDIAMittagspauseConversational AI und NLP […]

22. July 2022

Found another host participating in the vSAN service which is not a member of this host’s vCenter cluster

When reconfiguring my network environment (soon to be seen in the next HomeLab update) the vCenter gave an error message, which you have already read in the subject. In my case, it was about the vSAN Witness appliance. Of course there is also a Knowledge Base article about this error message and the solution according to VMware is: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2062704 To resolve this issue, check all […]

15. July 2022

“LINT1 motherboard interrupt” error while installing VMware ESXi

I got 3 Dell R730 servers on which VMware ESXi 7.0 U3 should be installed normally. During the installation I encountered the following error message: Well, we all know how it feels when we see PSOD so a Purple Screen of Death – pretty much panic. But since we are experienced VMware administrators, we look at any PSODs soberly and go into troubleshooting. 😉 As […]

13. July 2022

VMware vExpert Announcement

Yes, Ladies and Gentleman today I got the announcement by VMware that I am officially a VMware vExpert: I am proud to be part of this Expertise Association and I want to thank to all VMware Brothers in Arms in my Team, especially Marc Huppert as my biggest supporter. 😎