18. October 2022

Quick Tip – Automating ESXi 8.0 install using…

Quick Tip – Automating ESXi 8.0 install using… For those looking to install ESXi 8.0 but have an unsupported CPU, the following kernel boot option allowLegacyCPU=true can be added which would bypass the installer pre-check as shown in the screenshot below. When the ESXi installer bypass happens, instead of an error which forces you to reboot,[…] VMware Social Media Advocacy

18. October 2022

Announcing General Availability of VMware Cloud…

Announcing General Availability of VMware Cloud… We are pleased to announce the general availability of VMware Cloud Foundation 4.5. This version of VMware’s multi-cloud platform was announced at VMware Explore 2022 as part of our introduction of VMware Cloud Foundation+. VMware Cloud Foundation 4.5 is the first version of Cloud Foundation to [..] VMware Social Media Advocacy

18. October 2022

How to Install and Configure Zabbix Agents on Remote Linux

Continuing the Zabbix series, this tutorial will guide you on how you can install and configure Zabbix agents on Linux (Debian-based systems and RHEL-based distros) in order to actively monitor local resources on remote systems. The main job of Zabbix agents consists in gathering local information from the targets where they run and sending the data to a central Zabbix server to be further processed and analyzed. If you do […]

14. October 2022

How to Install Zabbix Monitoring Tool on Debian 11/10

Zabbix is a free, open-source, popular, and feature-rich IT infrastructure monitoring software developed using PHP language. It is used to monitor networks, servers, applications, services as well as cloud resources. It also supports the monitoring of storage devices, databases, virtual machines, telephony, IT security resources, and much more. This tutorial shows how to install and configure the latest release of Zabbix open-source monitoring tool on Debian 11 and Debian 10 with MySQL database to […]

7. October 2022

Veeam Backup failure – SOAP issue with vSphere

When you get the error message “SOAP connection is not available” pointing out to the vCenter. You will start to look at the Veeam logs located in C:\ProgramData\Veeam and you will find quickly, that the logs are pointing to nowhere. The jobs shows this message: The log shows the same: [29.09.2022 03:46:03] <29> Error Soap fault. Temporary failure in name resolutionDetail: ‘getaddrinfo failed in tcp_connect()’, […]

1. October 2022

irgNET – LAB 6.0 U2

Welcome to Update 2 of Stage 6 of my HomeLab. Since we have completely physically converted my environment to 10GbE in the last update, the ports became scarce at some point. So a second 10GbE switch was needed, especially since I also include future expansions in Datacenter01. Everything is getting more expensive, so it’s better to purchase as a precaution. 🙂 You can see here, […]

23. September 2022


UNSERE EXPERTEN KOMMEN WIEDER ZU IHNEN wir freuen uns, Sie zu unserem 34. VMware TechUpdate einladen zu dürfen. Endlich können wir wieder Präsenz Termine anbieten. 6 Termine vor Ort, sowie 2 Online-Termine stehen zur Auswahl, an denen unsere Experten Ihnen die aktuellsten Neuerungen im Bereich der VMware Produktpalette präsentieren möchten: TERMINE – JEWEILS VON 09:30 BIS 16:30 UHR Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2022 – Frankfurt The […]

12. September 2022

Unable to delete an “inaccessible” datastore (Zombie datastore)

I built a new storage array and migrated the VMs accordingly. But the server gave the following error message: I noticed that the old datastore is still shown as “inaccessible” in vCenter: And even via esxcli I don’t see the datastore anymore: So I first choose the classic way, putting the Server in Maintenance Mode and “Reboot does Good”. But the inaccessible Datastore is still […]