Category: vSAN

11. June 2024

vSAN Skyline Health: A possible storage capacity limitation with vSAN OSA versions 8.0U2 and 8.0U2b

Another Day another Warning inside vSAN Skyline Health. 🙂 Frequent Deletion of VMs….. Hmm….. I’ve been using vSAN since vSphere 6.7 U3 in my home lab and I’m pretty sure I deleted VMs more frequently, especially in my rookie times and never had this kind of warning in vSAN Skyline Health. Anyway, lets try to fix it! 😉 What I really like about vSphere 8 […]

10. June 2024

vSAN Skyline Health: Network diagnostic mode (Warning)

Today, I saw the above warning in vSAN Skyline Health, and I would like to share the solution with you. The following information can be found under Details: Network diagnostic mode is enabled more than 24 hours (94 hours). The network diagnostic mode is only used for troubleshooting, if the troubleshooting is done, please disable it. No sooner said than done, we switch to the […]

21. September 2023

Dell XR4000 and VMware vSphere – NextGen Edge Solution

Last year at Dell Technologies World 2022, my mentor Marc Huppert (VCDX 181) and I came across the Dell XR4000 at the Solutions Expo. I mean we have seen it all before, servers, storage and networking but this edge solution from Dell blew us away! CEO Michael Dell said in his keynote that by 2025, more than 50% of IT deployments will happen in the […]

25. August 2023

vSAN hyperconverged cluster configuration alarm ‘Host compliance check for hyperconverged cluster configuration’

I worked with a customer today to add 2 more nodes to their VMware vSAN Streched Cluster. Which worked for now, but we got a warning under the cluster summary: We have added the new nodes manually, it must be said at this point now. Which in turn leads to this warning, because the customer has configured its VMware vSAN Streched Cluster intially via Quickstart. […]

10. August 2023

Invalid virtual machine configuration. Object policy is not compatible with datastore space efficiency policy configured on the cluster

Today I have configured a 2 node vSAN Streched Cluster with a customer in their existing vSphere environment. For this we created our own cluster, integrated the hosts accordingly into the existing virtual distributed switches and configured HA & DRS. Then it was about the vSAN configuration, for this the customer has 2 disk groups per host with 1x 1.6TB cache and 3x 3.84TB capacity […]

3. February 2023

Intel Optane NVMe Drives – Sample Hardware from VMware vExpert program and Intel

As you Guys know – I am a VMware vExpert for the first time since last year. I heard about the vExpert Program through my mentors Marc Huppert VCDX181 & Daniel Simelka back then. This is a special circle of VMware enthusiasts who love and live this great technology. And especially as an ambitious HomeLab’er you should not miss this community! No sooner said than […]

20. January 2023

VMware vSAN 8 OSA Witness Deployment – IP / Login Issues

Not only the vSphere 8 update is currently pending for many, but also the vSAN must be updated accordingly. Especially with regard to vSAN Streched or ROBO clusters with a Witness Appliance. The vSAN 8 itself comes with the vSphere 8 update, furthermore the disk format version as well as vDS version have to be upgraded. As far as the vSAN Witness Appliance is concerned, […]

7. December 2022

irgNET – LAB 7.0 U1

As I mentioned in the last HomeLab Update, I will post all upgrades in my infrastructre monthly from now on. This time we will talk about the expansion of my VMware vSAN OSA ROBO 2-Node Cluster. My personal VMware vSAN journey started about 1 year ago: Back that time I had a usable capacity of about 3 TB, over time I have converted my single […]

28. October 2022

How to fix “vSphere HA initiated a virtual machine failover action”

“vSphere HA initiated a virtual machine failover action” or “HA initiated a failover action in cluster” issue warning message keep showing on my VMware vSAN ROBO cluster. All hosts in the cluster running fine and there is no HA error in logs too. This alert occurs when a Failover occurs in the cluster. Both of the servers are in a production environment and there is […]