Category: Blog

23. September 2021

How to Change Root Password in Ubuntu

The root user (or superuser) is a special user account that is present on all Linux and Unix-like systems. It has full access to every command and any resource on the system without any restrictions. If you are coming to Ubuntu from another Linux distribution, you may wonder what the default root password is or how to change the root password. By default, in Ubuntu, […]

22. September 2021

How to Install Xrdp Server (Remote Desktop) on CentOS 8

Xrdp is an open-source implementation of the Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) that allows you to graphically control a remote system. With RDP, you can log in to the remote machine and create a real desktop session the same as if you had logged in to a local machine. This tutorial explains how to install and configure Xrdp server on CentOS 8. Installing Desktop Environment […]

7. September 2021

Set Up Static IP SUSE or openSUSE

Configuring Using – yast Easiest solution is to enter “yast” at that terminal prompt, then use the arrow and tab keys to get to Network Devices -> Network Settings. Manual Configuration To setup Static IP configuration on SUSE Linux we need to we need to edit 3 files. Please note: If you are ‘root‘ you don’t need to use ‘sudo‘ in your commands! /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth0/etc/sysconfig/network/routes/etc/resolv.conf Determine […]

21. July 2021

How to Downgrade VMware Hardware Version

Do you have a VM with a too high hardware version, which can’t be migrated to an older VMware ESXi host? And the rest of your environment is running on the latest VMware vSphere version i.e. you’ve upgraded to the latest version of vCenter Server, ESXi, VMware Tools? I’ll show you a way to make the VM compatible again. I bought a HPE ML310e Gen8 […]

2. July 2021

How to RASR Reset Dell EMC VxRail 7.0 Node

There are several reasons why you have to factory reset a VxRail node, for example: Here is an easy step by step guide – how to RASR reset a Dell EMC VxRail 7.0 node. Before we start please remember that you are going to take the node back to factory reset. Do not perform a RASR reset unless it is needed. Fast Steps: Step by […]

2. July 2021

Dell EMC VxRail 7.0 – Useful Log File Information

The following log files can be accessed either via console or SSH to VxRail Manager. Monitor Dell EMC VxRail bring-up logs: dayone.log , short.term.log & firstboot.log: dayone.log – detailed information in relation to initial first run configuration. (/var/log/microservice_log/dayone.log) short.term.log – micro services related information. (/var/log/microservice_log/short.term.log) Note: short.term.log is a good starting point for all microservices related information. For specific microservice log detail filter by the microservices name for example: firstboot.log […]

1. July 2021

Activate SSH on Debian

In this basic tutorial I’ll show you how to activate SSH on Debian VM. The /etc/ssh/sshd_config contains SSH configuration information for our Debian VM. We need to edit this File with vim or nano (preferred) editor. Login into your Debian 10 virtual machine as User or Root. If you are root, you don’t need to use sudo: Sample Output: We need to add a new […]

29. June 2021

Set Up Static IP Debian

In this basic tutorial I show you how to assign a static IP address to a Debian VM. The /etc/network/interfaces contains network interface configuration information for our Debian VM. We need to edit this File with vim or nano (preferred) editor. Login into your Debian virtual machine as User or Root. If you are root, you don’t need to use sudo: We need to edit […]