5. October 2021
HPE MSA2040 Password Recovery / Factory Reset
I recently needed to reset the password on an HPE MSA2040 SAN to which I had physical access. It turns out this information was more difficult to find than I had presumed.
The often recommended action is to contact HPE who will send a engineer on-site to reset the MSA password/settings. Don’t hesitate to do that if you have an active support contract. However, here are the instructions for doing it yourself, without a call to support:
- Preparing a Linux computer before cabling to the CLI port
- Although Linux operating systems do not require installation of a device driver, certain parameters must beprovided during driver loading to enable recognition of the MSA 2040 controller enclosures. To load the Linux device driver with the correct parameters, the following command is required:
modprobe usbserial vendor=0x210c product=0xa4a7 use_acm=1
Optionally, the information can be incorporated into the /etc/modules.conf file
- Although Linux operating systems do not require installation of a device driver, certain parameters must beprovided during driver loading to enable recognition of the MSA 2040 controller enclosures. To load the Linux device driver with the correct parameters, the following command is required:
- Downloading a device driver for Windows computers
- Connect to the MSA CLI interface over the USB serial port using teraterm or your preferred serial terminal emulator (see HPE documentation).
- Hit enter to display to the MSA welcome banner and login prompt
- proceed to login with different possible usernames:
- UN: manage PW: !manage
- UN: admin PW: !admin
- proceed to login with different possible usernames:
- alternatively if these not working, try username: restoreusers with serialnumber as password of the MSA Controller you are pluged in.
- If restoreusers not work, try finally username: restoredefaults and the serialnumber of the MSA Controller as password
- The controller will reboot to factory settings, however, while retaining the network configuration (IP)
- Once the controller has rebooted, you can login with HPE default username: manage and password !manage
If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment. 🙂
Thank you very much for the information.
I have one MSA 2040 storage. At moment is using and the manage password has changed. The problem is nobody knows and i can not manage it.
I’m looking how to reset it without loosing any data as it’s connected to our VMware environment and there are a lot servers on it.
My question is if i reset it resetdefaults will i loose the all configuration of the device? except the ip address config which you mentioned. Like will i loose the virtual servers? Or connections from ESXI servers?
Thank you very much!