Category: Blog

4. February 2023

Long wait to join vCenter Server to Active…

Long wait to join vCenter Server to Active Directory Domain Long wait to join vCenter Server to Active… If you join your vCenter Server to Active Directory Domain and experience a very long time waiting for authentication for login to vCenter, probably you have an issue with DNS, misconfiguration, or a corrupted Domain controller in your environments. VMware Social Media Advocacy

4. February 2023

The vSphere Automation SDK Protocol

The vSphere Automation SDK Protocol The vSphere Automation SDK Protocol IT security takes center stage across enterprises as we see in the news how various organizations struggle in the aftermath of various attacks. Part of this is to secure essential assets controlling our infrastructure like the vCenter Server. For many this involves introspecting inbound API […] VMware Social Media Advocacy

3. February 2023

Intel Optane NVMe Drives – Sample Hardware from VMware vExpert program and Intel

As you Guys know – I am a VMware vExpert for the first time since last year. I heard about the vExpert Program through my mentors Marc Huppert VCDX181 & Daniel Simelka back then. This is a special circle of VMware enthusiasts who love and live this great technology. And especially as an ambitious HomeLab’er you should not miss this community! No sooner said than […]

3. February 2023

NSX vCenter Plug-in Deployment – Security Only…

NSX vCenter Plug-in Deployment – Security Only Configuration NSX vCenter Plug-in Deployment – Security Only… Last time, we looked at deploying NSX as a plug-in to vCenter server. See NSX vCenter Plug-in Deployment to catch up if needed. This time we will run through the security only configuration of NSX. VMware Social Media Advocacy

3. February 2023

VMware vSphere 8 Free Webinar

VMware vSphere 8 Free Webinar VMware vSphere 8 Free Webinar I will be delivering a 2 hours online session to cover the basic of Virtualization and to demonstrate the installation of ESXi 8 on Home-Lab. For more details, follow the Facebook Event: […] VMware Social Media Advocacy

3. February 2023

Quick Tip: Add SDDC Management Health Dashboard…

Quick Tip: Add SDDC Management Health Dashboard to vROPS (Aria Operations) Quick Tip: Add SDDC Management Health Dashboard… Have you ever wondered how to add more dashboards to vRPOPS or Aria Operations. as it is now called? Since this is not quite straightforward from my point of view, I would like to briefly show you how to add the SDDC Management Dashboard as an example. […]

3. February 2023

Upgrading to ESXi 8 using the command line…

Upgrading to ESXi 8 using the command line ESXCLI – Baking Clouds Ltd Upgrading to ESXi 8 using the command line… Exciting times again 🎆 with the vSphere 8 release published for download in October 2022. Scan the QR code below and download the ISO file or offline bundle for your selected upgrade method. VMware Social Media Advocacy

3. February 2023

Replacement of the vSAN Witness Node

Replacement of the vSAN Witness Node Replacement of the vSAN Witness Node In this post, we will replace the witness node in the vSAN Stretched cluster. VMware Social Media Advocacy

3. February 2023

PowerShell script to list VMs on ESXi host. -…

PowerShell script to list VMs on ESXi host. – Virtual Maestro PowerShell script to list VMs on ESXi host. -… Here is a PowerShell script to list the virtual machines (VMs) on an ESXi host: […] VMware Social Media Advocacy

3. February 2023

Kubernetes vs. VMWare vSphere comparison

Kubernetes vs. VMware vSphere comparison Kubernetes vs. VMWare vSphere comparison Kubernetes vs. VMWare vSphere comparison. A detailed look at both Kubernetes and VMware vSphere and how you can use both in the enterprise. VMware Social Media Advocacy